Welcome, all incoming graduate students! Take full advantage of Orientation by attending this helpful and fun open house for the USC Libraries.
USC Provost Fellow Highlighted by the American Chemical Society
Congratulations to USC PhD candidate Priscilla Antunez for having her article “Solution-Phase Synthesis of Highly Conductive Tungsten Diselenide Nanosheets” published in Chemistry of Materials. Priscilla’s article was also featured in the American Chemical Society’s Chemistry and Engineering News. Priscilla is a USC Provost Fellow and a National Science Foundation Fellow.
View Priscilla’s published article in Chemistry of Materials.
Read the American Chemical Society’s highlight of Priscilla’s research in the Chemical and Engineering News.
USC Annenberg Fellow Receives the Intel PhD Fellowship Award
Congratulations to Annenberg Fellow Joshua McVeigh-Schultz, a PhD candidate in the USC School of Cinematic Arts Media Arts and Practice program, who recently received the Intel PhD Fellowship Award!
McVeigh-Schultz’ research explores the intersections between platform affordances and communication rituals with particular emphasis on audience-performer interactions, such as during civic performances like town halls, political debates, and parliamentary rules. His work imagines alternative configurations to these otherwise familiar rituals. For example, McVeigh-Schultz seeks to find what a political debate would look like if the audience were able to convey live feedback to a candidate through the objects and architectural features that we tend to take for granted, such as the speaker’s lectern, the microphone, and the stage lighting. For his dissertation, McVeigh-Schultz is prototyping objects that convey aggregated real-time audience feedback, such as an animatronic microphone that moves based on the input from a live audience. McVeigh-Schultz puts an interesting twist on the conventional use of animatronics by exploring how objects can come to stand in for live audiences.
To explore questions of how heightened levels and new styles of audience engagement will spur the invention of new rituals and challenge the dominant logic of public address, McVeigh-Schultz will also incorporate a filmmaking component to tell a story about the alternate world in which these animistic objects and alternative rituals exist. The Intel PhD fellowship will support both the platform development and filmmaking components of his dissertation. Next year, McVeigh-Schultz will assemble a team of developers to help build an audience-feedback app toolkit for a variety of animistic objects, and will also put together a film crew to help tell the story about the world in which the animistic microphones might live. Last year, McVeigh-Schultz had the opportunity to intern with Intel’s Interaction Experience Research group under Jay Melican, who is now his fellowship mentor. During this internship, McVeigh-Schultz also worked with Senior User Experience Lead Adam Jordan to explore platforms that enable playful engagement with data.
PhD Candidate Awarded Canadian Dissertation Scholarship
PhD Candidate Awarded Canadian Dissertation Scholarship
By Mike McNulty
July 17, 2013
Republished from the USC Division of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy website
Occupational science PhD candidate Michelle Elliot has been awarded a scholarship from Canada’s Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council to support her qualitative research. The SSHRC Doctoral Fellowship will support the final stages of Elliot’s PhD dissertation project entitled “Unpacking Experiences and Narratives of Students: Life Changing, Changing Life or Merely Taking a Trip.”
Elliot is exploring experiences which have the potential to be transformative by examining the roles of expectation, reflection, immersion and travel. Many institutions offer student service learning, study abroad, and international immersion programs, often advertised as offering ‘life changing’ experiences, and Elliot’s interest is in understanding the impact of such programs on students’ personal, professional, and occupational identities. To explore such experiences, Elliot traveled with a group of occupational students completing an intensive short-term immersion in a developing foreign country as part of their professional training program. Her observations made during the trip, as well as narrative-based interviews conducted with the students, will provide the data for her phenomenological and ethnographic analyses.
Created by an act of the Parliament of Canada in 1977, the SSHRC is Canada’s federal research funding agency promoting and supporting postsecondary research and training in the humanities and social sciences. Elliot, a Canadian citizen, is a fourth year occupational science PhD candidate at the USC Division of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy. She completed her Master of Science degree in Occupational Therapy degree at McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. She has worked as a clinical occupational therapist in various mental health settings, including a dedicated eating disorder treatment program in Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
Now Hiring: Two Graduate Student Advocate Positions
Graduate Student Advocate positions in the Graduate School:
The Graduate Student Advocate for Student Relations and the
Graduate Student Advocate for Diversity Outreach.
Applications are welcome from PhD students in all fields.
COMMENCEMENT: PhD Grab & Go Breakfast
Thesis/Dissertation Submission Information Sessions for Summer 2013
Planning to submit your thesis or dissertation for an August 2013 graduation date? Join the Thesis Coordinator for one of two information sessions regarding the summer thesis and dissertation submission cycle NEXT WEEK. Mark your calendars with the following dates and times:
Wednesday, May 22, 2013
2:15pm – 3:15pm
GFS 116
Thursday, May 23, 2013
2:15pm – 3:15pm
NTT 7409
Email thesisdc@usc.edu with questions.
Fulbright Student Grant Info Session and other Fulbright Opportunities
The final Fulbright Student Grant information session of the semester will be held
Thursday, April 25th from 3:30pm-4:30pm in Leavey Library Auditorium.
Come learn about the Fulbright Student Grant from fellow USC Trojan, Paige Battcher, as she discusses her experience as a Fulbright Scholar. Fulbright advisors will also present information regarding the USC Fulbright application process.
If you would like more information about the Fulbright program but are unable to attend the session, please contact our office at aifstaff@usc.edu to schedule an appointment with an advisor.
The Fulbright Student Grant is available to undergraduate and graduate students in any major field of study. U.S. citizenship is required.
Visit http://usfulbrightstudent.blogspot.com/2009/08/paige-battcher-2008-2008-thailand.html to learn more about Paige’s Fulbright Scholar experience.
Fulbright Scholar Program
Deadline: August 1, 2013
Basic Eligibility Requirements:
– Applicants must have U.S. citizenship
– A Ph.D. or equivalent professional/terminal degree (including the master’s degree, depending on the field) as appropriate. Candidates outside academe (e.g., professionals, artists) need recognized professional standing and substantial professional accomplishments.
Fulbright Flex Awards
Deadline: August 1, 2013
For scholars who propose multiple stays of one to three months in the host country over a period of two to three years. The total proposed visits should equal approximately one semester of exchanges. In addition to their primary research or teaching activities, flex award scholars will be asked to give public talks, mentor students, and otherwise engage with the host-country academic community.
Fulbright Postdoctoral/Early Career Grants
Deadline: August 1, 2013
Postdoctoral/early career grants are open to U.S. scholars who have recently completed their doctoral degrees – typically within the five previous years. The number of such Fulbright Scholar awards has grown, particularly for research activities. A few awards include teaching opportunities as well. Postdoctoral awards are available in STEM fields, the arts, humanities and social sciences.
Two Open Graduate Student Advocate positions in the USC Graduate School
Graduate Student Advocate positions in the Graduate School:
The Graduate Student Advocate for Student Relations and the
Graduate Student Advocate for Diversity Outreach.
Applications are welcome from PhD students in all fields.
View the job description as a PDF: GSA Announcement 2013-14