Nan Li
USC Viterbi School of Engineering
Doctor of Philosophy, Civil Engineering
Faculty Advisor: Burcin Becerik
Nan’s research brings together a number of disciplines, including emergency response, civil engineering, and computer science. He has developed novel methods for the localization of first responders and trapped occupants during building emergencies.
His work has resulted in 11 high-quality peer-reviewed journal papers and 14 peer-reviewed conference papers. One of his papers received the Charles M. Eastman Top PhD Paper Award, which recognizes the importance of developing young researchers in the field of integrated IT through the life cycle of design, construction, and occupancy of buildings and related facilities. Nan also received the USC Department of Civil Engineering’s Best Dissertation Award, which will be honored at this years hooding ceremony. He will join Tsinghua University next year.
Congratulations, Nan!