Fellowship Resources for International and Undocumented Students

We are pleased to share some fellowship resources for international and undocumented students. The first PDF document is a list of scholarships that do not require proof of US citizenship. Though most of the opportunities are for undergraduate students, there are a few graduate student prospects as well. The second list summarizes funding for international students.

Scholarships Don’t Require Proof of US Citizenship
Selected Funding Sources Open to Non-US Citizens

The following are opportunities that look promising for graduate students:

American Association for University Women – International Fellowships
Full-time study or research to women who are not U.S. citizens or permanent residents. Both graduate and postgraduate study at accredited institutions are supported. Deadline: December 1.

Asian Development Bank (ADB) – Japan Scholarship Program
Citizens of ADB’s developing member countries to pursue postgraduate studies in economics, management, science and technology, and other development-related fields at participating academic institutions in the Asian and Pacific Region. The ADB-JSP provides full scholarships for one to two years.

Association for Women in Science Educational Foundation
Female students enrolled in a behavioral, life, physical, or social science or engineering program leading to a Ph.D. degree. Graduate fellowships in the amount of $1,000 are awarded each year. Deadline: January

Christine Mirzayan Science & Technology Policy Graduate Fellowship Program
Designed to engage graduate science, engineering, medical, veterinary, business, and law students in the analysis that informs the creation of science and technology policy and to familiarize them with the interactions of science, technology, and government.

Environmental Research and Education Foundation
This scholarship recognizes excellence in Ph.D. or post-doctoral environmental research and education. Deadline: August 1.

International Dissertation Field Research Fellowships
Up to 50 fellowships to support social scientists and humanists conducting dissertation field research in all areas and regions of the world.

King Faisal Foundation Scholarship
Funding opportunity for Muslim students in Medicine, Engineering, and sciences (Physics, Chemistry, and Geology) to study at an accredited European or North American university.

Smithsonian Fellowships
Unless noted otherwise, all Smithsonian fellowships (graduate, pre-doctoral, post-doctoral, senior) opportunities are open to non-US citizens. Deadlines vary.

Spencer Foundation Dissertation Fellowship
Candidates for the doctoral degree at a graduate school within the United States are eligible. Deadline: November 1.

5th Annual Graduate Research Symposium

What do dark matter, eating disorders, air marshals, robots, ruins in Pompeii, Kodak cameras all have in common?

They are all research subjects in the 5th Annual Graduate Research Symposium!

Join us Tuesday, April 2nd in the Tutor Campus Center Grand Ballroom for a showcase of the best graduate research at USC. This is the only university-wide academic event for graduate students. Similar to a “TED talk,” students will each present for 5 minutes with the help of a single power point slide. 

STEM (Sciences, Tech, Engineering, Math) Presentations take place from 9:00am-12:00pm
Social Sciences, Arts, Humanities Presentations take place from 12:30-3:30pm

Undergraduates welcomed! This is a great chance to learn about what graduate research is all about.

FREE Food and USC SWAG!!
More info here: http://tinyurl.com/USCGradsymp

RSVP kindly requested but not required. RSVP to: http://tinyurl.com/GRSrsvp

USC Graduate School’s Academic Professional Development Program announces the Spring 2013 Doctoral Student Institute

The USC Graduate School’s Diversity Outreach and Academic Professional Development Programs will be offering two Ten Week Institutes, one on the Health Science Campus (HSC) and the other on the University Park Campus (UPC), between January 29th and April 2nd.

The HSC Institute is focused on STEM fields, and the UPC Institute is focused on Social, Behavioral, & Economic Sciences and Humanities.

Refer to the advertisement below for application instructions. If you have a question, please email uscapdev@usce.edu

Diversity Outreach and Academic Professional Development Programs’ Final Seminars and Panel

The USC Graduate School’s Diversity Outreach and Academic Professional Development Programs want to reminder you about the final 3 Seminars and 1 Panel remaining for the Fall 2012 Semester. The offerings are as follows:

Writing the Job Market Package: Cover Letters & Personal Statements (Wed, 10/31, 3 – 5 p.m.)

Writing the Job Market Package: Differentiating between the CV & Résumé (Wed, 11/7, 3 – 5 p.m.)

University Research Protocols & Conducting Ethical Research (Wed, 11/14, 3 – 5 p.m.)

Women in the Academy: Experiences and Strategies for Success (Thurs, 11/8, 3:30 p.m. – 5 p.m.)

There are spaces still available for the Seminars and Panel. If you are interested in attending any of the remaining Seminars or the Panel, please contact the Academic Professional Development program via email at uscapdev@usc.edu

USC APD & EDGE Present “Acquiring the Academic Mentoring You Need & Preparing for a Global Market”

The USC Graduate School’s Diversity Outreach and Academic Professional Development Programs are sponsoring a featured presentation by Dr. Steven Lamy entitled, “Acquiring the Academic Mentoring You Need & Preparing for a Global Market: Making the most of your experiences with USC Faculty, Advisors, and Support Programs”

Dr. Lamy will encourage you as a current doctoral student to maintain a holistic view of your professional continuum to ensure your experiences link together as you progress towards your academic and professional goals. This presentation is applicable to all doctoral students regardless of discipline, methodological orientation, or stage of your dissertation process.

Thursday, October 11th at 3:30 p.m. in MHP 101 on the University Park Campus.

No reservations are necessary for this presentation.

If you have any questions, please email uscapdev@usce.edu


Enhancing Diversity in Graduate Education (EDGE) Fall 2012 Symposium

The USC Graduate School’s office of Diversity Outreach & Academic Professional Development brings you the EDGE Fall 2012 Symposium!

Come see USC Ph.D. Students, EDGE Scholars, present their original research!
Wednesday, September 26, 2012 at the Davidson Conference Center Club Room

9:30 am to 10:00 am — Continental Breakfast and Welcome
10:00 am to 11:00 am — Presentation Session 1
11:00 am to 12:00 pm — Presentation Session 2
12:00 pm to 1:30 pm — Lunch and round table discussions

Research from American Studies & Ethnicity, Sociology, Political Science, History, Communication, Gender Studies, Policy, among others

RSVP is required by Monday, September 24th at 12 PM via email to graduate.diversity@usc.edu

Diversity and Academic Professional Development Fall 2012 Seminars & Panels for USC Doctoral Students

The USC Graduate School’s Diversity Outreach and Academic Professional Development Programs will be offering Seminars and Panels on the University Park Campus between September 26th and November 14th. Dates and times vary, please refer to the information below. There is a two-step registration process. Space is limited and provided on a first come, first served basis. If you have a question, please email uscapdev@usc.edu

• Research Resources, Library Search Strategies, & Conducting the Literature Review (Wed, 9/26, 3 – 5 p.m.)
• Persuasive Writing and Editing Strategies: Research Papers, Thesis, Dissertations (Wed, 10/3, 3 – 5 p.m.)
• Communicating Effectively in Scholarly and Professional Environments, and Organizing your Research for Conferences, Panels, & Classroom Presentations (Wed, 10/17, 3 – 5 p.m.)
• Supporting Your Research With Grant & Fellowship Funding: Search & Application Strategies (Wed, 10/24, 3 – 5 p.m.)
• Writing the Job Market Package: Cover Letters & Personal Statements (Wed, 10/31, 3 – 5 p.m.)
• Writing the Job Market Package: Differentiating between the CV & Résumé (Wed, 11/7, 3 – 5 p.m.)
• University Research Protocols & Conducting Ethical Research (Wed, 11/14, 3 – 5 p.m.)

• Managing the Dissertation Process: Affective and Procedural Recommendations (Thurs, 9/27, 3 – 5 p.m.)
• Preparing for the Global Market: Making the most of your experiences while at USC (Thurs, 10/11, 3 – 5 p.m.)
• Pressures to Publish in the Academy: Perspectives and Advice from Post-Docs and Faculty Members (Thurs, 10/25, 3 – 5 p.m.)
• Women in the Academy: Experiences and Strategies for Success (Thurs, 11/8, 3 – 5 p.m.)

Sessions will take place on the University Park Campus. Students are encouraged to attend more than one session (there is no limit).

Step One: Send an email as soon as possible to uscapdev@usc.edu and indicate the workshop(s) you are interested in attending. In your correspondence provide: (1) your name, (2) department, (3) year in program, and (4) faculty advisor’s name and email.
Step Two: Submit an application. You may submit your application via email (uscapdev@usc.edu) or return to the USC Graduate School, Diversity & Academic Professional Development, GFS 315T, Los Angeles, CA 90089. You may also fax your materials to (213) 740-9048.

The final application deadline is Friday, September 21, 2012 (before 12:00 p.m.). Early registration is encouraged. Space is reserved on a first come, first served basis. Confirmations will be sent out on a continuous basis, starting on Monday, September 17, 2012. The due date may be extended, pending available space. Sessions can accommodate up to 50 students. Waitlists will be utilized.

For questions, contact Jesse S. Watson or Richard Andalon, USC Graduate School, Diversity & Academic Professional Development.
Website: http://www.usc.edu/schools/GraduateSchool/
Email: uscapdev@usc.edu
Telephone: (213) 740-3429

Attend the Fall 2012 Mixer and Networking Session for USC Graduate, Postdoc, and Undergraduate students

The Fall 2012 Mixer and Networking Session for USC Graduate, Postdoc, and Undergraduate students is quickly approaching. This event is sponsored by the USC Graduate School, Diversity & Academic Professional Development; USC Office of Postdoctoral Affairs; and USC McNair Scholars Program, Office of Undergraduate Programs. The networking session will take place on Wednesday, September 5, 2012 from 3-5 PM in the Doheny Library Lecture Hall. Come get to know and chat with fellow USC Ph.D. students, postdocs, and undergraduates engaged in research! Refreshments and food provided! An RSVP, to graduate.diversity@usc.edu, with your name and department is appreciated but not required. We hope to see you there!